Высокая производительность и низкое потребление памяти

NativeRest desktop application is not using Electron, Chromium, Node.js and JavaScript frameworks. NativeRest is 100% native application, that is compiled for different platforms. It starts fast, uses less memory and CPU. Some popular Electron-based REST clients use up to 100 times more RAM. NativeRest also has a very fast GUI without any lags.

The comparison was made immediately after launching applications with a single request in one collection on Windows 10 64-bit, Intel Core i9-11900.

RAM usage

The screenshot below compares memory usage by different REST clients.

Comparison of NativeRest, Insomnia and Postman (Use RAM)

The same data in chart form:

Comparison of NativeRest, Insomnia and Postman (Use RAM)

JSON rendering time

NativeRest has a more responsive GUI and fast JSON rendering. Code editor was developed specifically for NativeRest that provides fast JSON output and scrolling. Below is an example preview of JSON in NativeRest, Insomnia and Postman.

Comparison of NativeRest, Insomnia and Postman (preview of JSON)

Time to display a 50 MB response in JSON format:

Comparison of NativeRest, Insomnia and Postman (JSON rendering time)

Launch time

Launch times were compared when the applications were launched a second time.

Comparison of NativeRest, Insomnia and Postman (Apps shortcuts)

NativeRest also has a fast launch time. It's opens instantly without twitching the GUI, unlike Postman.

Comparison of NativeRest, Insomnia and Postman (Launch time)


Thanks to the use of native technologies, NativeRest launches quickly, has a fast GUI, fast JSON processing, and use up to 100 times less memory than Electron-based REST clients.

It is worth noting that NativeRest has a portable version of 8 MB and the installer size is 12 MB.