Установка и обновление NativeRest

Установка NativeRest на Windows

NativeRest доступен для Windows 7, 8, 10, 11 (64-бит). Приложение распространяется в виде инсталлятора и potable-версии, скачать которые можно на странице загрузки.

Install NativeRest – REST Client for Windows

Скачав инсталлятор, дважды щелкните по исполняемому .exe файлу. Откроется окно как на скриншоте выше. Путь установки Destination folder рекомендуется оставить по умолчанию. Далее нажмите кнопку Установить Install. После окончания установки NativeRest запустится автоматически.

Silent Install Mode

When you pass the /silent or /verysilent command line switch, the installer does not display its GUI.
You can use the following syntax to specify installer parameters.
nativerest.1.0.0.installer.exe /silent

Parameters Description
/silent – Run in silent mode.
/verysilent – Everything is like /silent, but the application does not launch after installation.
/update – Update the existing installation.
/uninstall – Uninstall the existing installation.
/dir="..." – Overrides the default installation path %APPDATA%\Roaming\NativeSoft\NativeRest

Exit Codes
0 – No errors.
1 – Common installation error.
2 – Destination folder access denied.

Обновление NativeRest

По умолчанию NativeRest настроен на автоматическую проверку и установку обновлений, когда доступна новая версия.

Update Settings NativeRest

Автоматическую проверку на наличие обновлений можно отключить в настройках на вкладке Update.

Удаление NativeRest

Чтобы удалить NativeRest из Windows, откройте Параметры Windows, далее Приложения. В списке найдите приложение NativeRest и нажмите Удалить.

Uninstall NativeRest – REST Client for Windows

Установка NativeRest на macOS

Since version 2.1.1 (June 2024), NativeRest is available on macOS. The set of features is identical to the Windows application.
If you haven’t already downloaded NativeRest, visit the download page. Intel and Apple Silicon chips are supported.
In our case, NativeRest was downloaded to the Downloads folder and Safari browser automatically unpacked the downloaded zip-archive. If this does not happen for you, unpack the zip-archive manually. Move NativeRest to the Applications folder using drag and drop.

When you first launch, enter your NativeSoft account login and password to activate NativeRest or defer this action for 7 days (free trial period).

Установка NativeRest на Linux

Since version 2.1.3 (July 2024), NativeRest is available on Linux. The set of features is identical to the Windows application.
If you haven’t already downloaded NativeRest, visit the download page. In our case, NativeRest was downloaded to the Downloads folder.
Unzip the downloaded archive to access the executable file.

Open the Properties window, go to tab Permissions and set Allow executing file as program.

After this, NativeRest can be launched.

Tested Linux Distributions

NativeRest has been tested on the following Linux distributions:

  • Ubuntu 22.04.3
  • Linux Mint 21.3
  • Debian GNU/Linux 12.6

NativeRest will likely work on other Linux distributions as well.