Управление пространствами NativeRest

Workspaces in NativeRest allow you to group requests by specific domain. The workspace can also be called a project.

With a NativeRest application you can create various types of workspaces:

  • Local The data is stored only on your PC. You will have access to them even without the Internet.
  • Cloud The data is stored on this PC and synchronized with NativeRest Cloud in the background. Such workspaces can be restored if you use NativeRest on another PC, or of you change your PC.
  • Team cloud Coming soon.

Create a new workspace

To create a new workspace, click Workspaces on the bottom bar or Ctrl + W, then click "New" (Plus) button.

Enter a Name and select Storage for your workspace.

Create workspace in NativeRest

View a list of workspace

A list of all workspaces is displayed in the panel at the bottom of the window. The first column indicates the name, and the second the number of requests.

NativeRest workspaces windows

To manage workspaces, you can use the toolbar on the left or the context menu in the list. The active workspace is marked with a blue stripe on the left.